Event Date : June 22, 2011
Wakelyns Agroforestry, Metfield Lane, Fressingfield, Eye, Suffolk IP21 5SD
A day out at Wakelyns Agroforestry to discuss on-farm experiences in arable and horticulture, hear about new research projects and look around the farm to catch up on the latest developments in the agroforestry and on-farm trials. All to be accompanied by organic lunch and cakes.
The morning’s programme will include presentations on new research projects in sustainable agricultural futures by researchers at the University of East Anglia. These will be followed by presentations from organic arable farmers and horticulturists, who will also offer their practical perspective on the UEA research projects. Organic Arable will provide a roundup of this year’s grain market.
Following lunch, a farm tour will introduce visitors to the trials taking place at Wakelyns this year, which include arable trials, horticulture trials and a pilot trial of ley-vegetable intercropping.
Tea and cakes at the end of the day will provide a relaxed opportunity for further chatting and networking.
Download the Programme and booking form.
More information –
Organic Arable: www.organicarable.co.uk
Wensum Test Demonstration Catchment Project: http://www.uea.ac.uk/env/research/reshigh/wensum
My Farm: www.my-farm.org.uk
Quoats sustainable oat project: http://www.quoats.org/
Wheat Breeding Link: http://www.organicresearchcentre.com/manage/authincludes/article_uploads/Research/Plant%20breeding/WBL%20web.pdf
Solibam: www.solibam.eu