Team profile

Dr Marion Johnson

“Organic production is built upon four pillars- health, ecology, fairness and care. I believe as farmers we should adhere to these principles – we will then manage the land in a way that safeguards the future for all.”

Job title:

Researcher - Livestock
No longer works at ORC

Academic qualifications:

  • PhD Veterinary Parasitology ‘Lungworm Infection in farmed Red Deer’ University of Otago New Zealand
  • MSc Veterinary Parasitology Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Liverpool
  • BSc Environmental Biology (1st class Hons) Manchester University, Manchester
  • BSc Agricultural Science Massey University New Zealand

Role and responsibilities:

My role involves managing the ORC’s livestock programme, research, and developing relationships with farmers and the livestock industry.

Research interests:

Primarily ruminants but monogastrics welcome.

Focus on natural animal health, farmscapes for health and reduction of drug use, role of livestock in mixed farming and agroecology, botanical medicine and ethnoveterinary practices. Sustainable systems and assessments.

Interests outside of ORC:

Scientific committee IFOAM Animal Husbandry Alliance (IAHA)

Member of Roopu Matua – Maori Tradition Medicine

Mentor for Moriori Ethnobotanical Garden Rekohu


  • Christina Paraskevopoulou, Alexandros Theodoridis, Marion Johnson, Athanasios Ragkos, Lisa Arguile, Laurence Smith, Dimitrios Vlachos, Georgios Arsenos (2020) Sustainability Assessment of Goat and Sheep farms: A comparison between European Countries. Sustainability 12 3099 doi 10.3390/su12083099
  • Marion Johnson, Chiara Tuoni, Lisa Arguile (2019) ‘Sageguard’ an online Toolbox designed to enhance the sustainability of sheep and goat sectors across Europe.                Deliverable 1.4 iSAGE project
  • Zanoli R, Arguile L, Mullender S, Alberti F, Pardo G, del Pardo A, Smith L, Solfanelli F, Tuoni C, Belanche A, Johnson M (2019) Report on assessment of economic, environmental and social performance of a number of case study sheep and goat farms and businesses within the EU. Deliverable D1.3 iSAGE project
  • Zanoli, R., Gambelli, D., Solfanelli, F., Orsini, S., Johnson, M., & Mullender, S. (2019). Report on participatory case study research on farmers. Deliverable 2.1, iSAGE Project,
  • Glenis Mark, Marion Johnson, Amohia Boulton (2018) Cultural, Ethical, Research, Legal and Scientific (CERLS) issues of Rongoa Maori. Occasional Publication Whakauae Research for Māori Health and Development, Whanganui New Zealand 64 ISBN: 978-0-473-44298-9 (soft cover) ISBN: 978-0-473-44299-6 (pdf)
  • Antoni Moore, Marion Johnson, Jeremiah Gbolagun, Aubrey Miller, Anneke
  • Rombouts, Loes van der Ven, Janice Lord, Sam Coutts, Mariana Pagan & G. Brent Hall (2018): Integrating agroecology and sustainable tourism: applying geodesign to farm management in Aotearoa New Zealand, Journal of Sustainable Tourism
  1. J. Wall A E, G. W. Asher B , M. S. Netzer C , M. G. H. Johnson D , K. T. O’Neill B , R. P. Littlejohn B and N. Cox (2018) Farmed red deer home range, habitat use and daily movement patterns in a Southland, New Zealand, tussock grassland over calving and lactation Animal Production Science –
  • Schmid O, Ghotge N, Johnson M, Atkinson C, Chander M, (Eds.) (2017): Role of Livestock in Sustainable Agriculture. Proceedings of the IAHA Pre-Conference on Animal Husbandry 6.-8. November 2017 at 19th Organic World Congress in India. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements – Animal Husbandry Alliance (IFOAM-IAHA), Bonn and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick
  • Johnson M, Moore A. (2016) Parasites, Plants and People Trends in Parasitology 32 (6) 430-432
  • Moore A, Johnson M, Lord J, Coutts S, Pagan M, Gbolagun J, Hall GB (2016) Applying spatial analysis to the agroecology-led management of an indigenous farm in New Zealand.  Ecological Informatics 31 49-58
  • Stein K, Mirosa M, Carter L, Johnson M. (2016) Case Studies of Food Sovereignty Initiatives Among the Māori of Aotearoa (New Zealand) in Routledge Handbook of Food Ethics.  Editors Rawlinson M, Ward C. Routledge London pp366-377
  • Merfield C Johnson M (2016) Understanding bio stimulants, bio fertilisers and on-farm trials. Occasional publication FFC BHU Lincoln
  • Johnson M (2015) Agroecology in Indigenous Agroecology He Ahuwhenua Taketake Editors Johnson M, Perley C. Research report Nga Pae o te Maramatanga15-42
  • Johnson M (2015) He Ahuwhenua Taketake Indigenous Agroecology in Aotearoa New Zealand in Indigenous Agroecology He Ahuwhenua Taketake Editors Johnson M, Perley C. Research report Nga Pae o te Maramatanga 42-50
  • Johnson M (2015) Native plants for Animal health in Indigenous Agroecology He Ahuwhenua Taketake Editors Johnson M, Perley C. Research report Nga Pae o te Maramatanga 193-218
  • Johnson M (2015) Te Kaio, Agroecology, Agroforestry and Tourism in Indigenous Agroecology He Ahuwhenua Taketake Editors Johnson M, Perley C. Research report Nga Pae o te Maramatanga 302-332
  • Johnson M (2015) Henga and MEG, Agroecology and Ethnobiology in Indigenous Agroecology He Ahuwhenua Taketake Editors Johnson M, Perley C. Research report Nga Pae o te Maramatanga 334-363
  • Johnson M (2015) Nāku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi: With your basket and my basket the people will live in Indigenous Agroecology He Ahuwhenua Taketake Editors Johnson M, Perley C. Research report Nga Pae o te Maramatanga 364-367
  • Pehi P, Johnson M (2015) Whenua Whānau: Walking the Land with Indigeneity & Science to find our Home eds. Kēpa M, McPherson M, & Manu’atu L. Home: Here to Stay. Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Edited Collection. 2015, Wellington: Huia Publishers. 217. ISBN 978-1-77550-208-1.
  • Johnson M (2015) Rongoa Pastures, Healthy Animals Resilient farms. Research report Nga Pae o te Maramatanga 27p
  • Johnson M (2015) Forages for Dairy Goat production.  Research report MBIE Dairy Goat Supply Systems C10X1307-CR-1 90p
  • Ganche E, Johnson M, Hutchinson K, Burggraaf V, King W. (2014) Industry Survey on Dairy Goat Farm Management Practices Report for Dairy Goat Supply systems AgResearch Ruakura 56p
  • Johnson M (2012) Adapting the principles of Te Rongoā into ecologically and culturally sustainable farm practice. Research report for Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.
  • Johnson M (2012) Adapting the principles of Te Rongoā into ecologically and culturally sustainable farm practice – a framework for farm management on Te Putahi. Proceedings of the Nga Pae o te Māramatanga International Indigenous Development Research Conference.
  • Johnson M (2012) The contribution of Māori Traditional medicine to Animal health on Organic farms
  • Proceedings of the 2nd OAHC Hamburg /Trenthorst Special Issue 362 Landbauforschung vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research 441-445
  • Johnson M (2011) Incorporating the principles of Te Rongoā into farm management. Proceedings of the 1st Biological Farming Systems National Conference. Retrieved from
  • Stephenson J, Rosin C, Campbell H, Moller H, Pomeroy A, Stock P, Johnson M, Bragg C. (2011). Addressing complex and ‘wicked’ problems: The need for interdisciplinary research [White Paper #1]. Dunedin, New Zealand: Centre for Sustainability: Agriculture, Food, Energy, Environment (CSAFE). 5p.
  • Johnson M, Halloy S (2010) New Zealand native plants can we use them as natural anthelminthics? Proceedings of Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wild Plant Diversity conference. Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolympari, Crete
  • Johnson M (2010) Internal parasitism in farmed Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) report to the New Zealand Deer Industry 29pp
  • M.S.Netzer, G.W.Asher, M.G.H.Johnson, K.J.M.Dickinson, J.M.Lord, P.Whigham, K.T.O’Neill, J.F.Ward, D.Clarke, R.P.Littlejohn (2009) Red deer farming in the high country (1) Spatial distribution and resource utilisation by hinds over calving and lactation (2) The use of continuous GPS data to assess calving time and post calving movement. Report prepared for the Deer Industry (DEEResearch Project 7.02)
  • Tanja Maegli, Sarah Richards, Sarah Meadows, Peter Carey, Marion Johnson, Monica Peters, Katherine Dixon, Jayson Benge, Henrik Moller, Grant Blackwell, Florian Weller, David Lucock, David Norton, Chris Perley and Catriona MacLeod (2007) Environmental indicators from alternative farm management systems: Signposts for different pathways to sustainable primary production in New Zealand? results.shtml 85p
  • Hoskin S O, Johnson M, Swanson, J. (2007). Internal parasites and productivity in farmed deer. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, 67, (pp. 102-106).
  • Netzer M, Johnson M, Asher GW. (2007) Where high country hinds roam; researchers use tracking technology. New Zealand Deer Farming Annual 2007 pp31-32
  • McDowell R W, Stevens D R, Cave V, Paton R J, Johnson M. (2006). Effects of shelter belts on fence-line pacing of deer and associated impacts on water and soil. Soil Use & Management, 22, 158-164. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-2743.2006.00024.x
  • McDowell R. W, McGrouther N, Morgan G, Srinivasan M S, Stevens D R , Johnson M, Copland R. (2006). Monitoring the impact of farm practices on water quality in the Otago and Southland deer focus farms. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 68, (pp. 183-188). Retrieved from pubID=17
  • Johnson M. (2006) Deer and Land care; experiences of farming red deer in New Zealand. Proceedings of the 11th International Deer Farming Conference Melbourne, Australia
  • Johnson M. (2005) Environmental sustainability and deer farming. Proceedings of the Deer Branch, NZVA, Course No. 22: 82-84
  • Johnson, M. (2004) The impacts of deer on soil and water~ research directions.  Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Resource Managers Conference.
  • Johnson, M, Abs El-Osta Y, Hu M, Gasser RB. (2004) An electrophoretic tool for the genetic characterisation and delineation of lungworms. Molecular and Cellular Probes 18: 197-203.
  • Johnson M, Mackintosh C. (2003) Vaccines for lungworm in Red deer (Cervus elaphus). Proceedings of the Deer Branch, NZVA, Course No. 20: 117-123.
  • Johnson M, Hoskin S. (2003) Novel plants, Novel solutions A new approach to production issues Proceedings of the New Zealand Deer Farmers Conference.
  • Johnson M, Labes RE, Taylor MJ, Mackintosh CG. (2003) Efficacy trial of an irradiated cattle lungworm vaccine in red deer. Veterinary Parasitology 117: 131-137.
  • Johnson M, Mackintosh CG. (2003) Vaccination for Lungworm in Red Deer Proceedings of a Deer Course for Veterinarians 20 117-124
  • Johnson M, Mackintosh CG, Labes RE, Taylor MJ, Wharton DA. (2003) (Dictyocaulus species: cross infection between cattle and red deer. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 51: 93-98.
  • Johnson M, Mackintosh CG, Labes RE, Taylor MJ. (2001) Dictyocaulus eckerti, lungworm infecting farmed red deer in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 49: 34–35.
  • Johnson M, Labes R, Taylor M, Mackintosh CG. (2000) Lungworm in red deer (Cervus elaphus) D. viviparus or D. eckerti? Proceedings of a Deer Course for Veterinarians 18 153-158


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(Ext : 6247)