IOTA Nutrient Budgeting Workshop planned

Details: IOTA is planning a one day workshop on nutrient budgeting for advisers, certification officers and researchers working with organic farmers and growers to be held at the Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall, Berkshire, RG20 0HR in October 2012 (final date to be confirmed).

Nutrient budgeting is an important tool to support rotation design, cropping plans, manure management and fertilizer use on organic farms.

IOTA has collated the most up to date nutrient input and output data for organic farming with SAC and has been a partner with ORC in developing a nutrient budgeting tool for use by advisers.

The workshop will include:

  • Provision of the NB Tool for your use in your work
  • Training in the use of the NB Tool
  • Training in interpretation of the results and using it on farm

Please let IOTA ( know **now** if this is of interest to you so that we can gauge the level of interest and plan accordingly.

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