UK-Brazil-Africa Silvopasture Network Online Workshop

Event Date : February 6, 2025

Event Time : 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Event Location : Online

Share experiences and ideas that can be put together into the beginnings of an action and research agenda.

This workshop is for the UK-Brazil-Africa Silvopasture Network. Members of the network are invited to share their experiences and ideas on the topic of silvopasture for building climate change resilience in the livestock sector.

The workshop will include short presentations on the experience of silvopasture practice in the UK, Brazil and Africa as well as the climate change context in the African countries.

We then want to discuss:

  • What innovations in Africa could help unlock the potential for silvopasture to help address climate change impacts on livestock production in Africa? Such innovations may include extension/knowledge exchange, in-field technologies, tools (e.g. for financial planning, tree species selection and planting design, monitoring), development of nurseries or markets for tree co-products, supportive policies, as well as investment and incentives schemes.
  • What methodologies, technologies, tools developed in Brazil and UK could be usefully transferred to help meet these priorities?
ORC and University of Bristol logos

This workshop is being co-hosted by the Organic Research Centre and the University of Bristol.

Funder logos

This Scoping Project is supported through the Climate-Smart Agriculture Partnership: UK-Brazil-Africa, funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and delivered by Innovate UK.

Trees and pasture in Brazil

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