IFOAM principles

The IFOAM general Assembly in Adelaide in September 2005 approved the
revised IFOAM principles

3rd November 2005

EFRC Director Lawrence Woodward – a key member of the task force which
debated and recommended the revised IFOAM principles says: ” the willingness
to find consensus overwhelmed our differences. The agreed principles are
extremely radical if implemented? e.g. prohibiting soil-less or container production,
a prohibition of organic salmon farming and similar types of sea farming,
a dramatic curb on production systems that are profligate in the use of water or soil,
or which are based on socially unjust labour systems.Of course many of these
underpin much of the current organic production of salad crops into UK supermarkets.”

And he urges action now: “These principles should be fully implemented as
a matter of urgency, being fundamental to the integrity of the organic movement
and its practices. Their consistent application is crucial.”

Posted in News and events, Research