Ecosystem service indicator survey

We would like to invite you to participate in our survey that aims to help us identify indicators that can capture the provisioning of ecosystem services by farming systems, in particular those with a focus on biodiversity, human nutrition and social well-being.


The indicators identified in this exercise will be incorporated within The Organic Research Centre’s Public Goods tool as part of a sustainability assessment to be undertaken on innovative organic case study farms within the FOODLEVERS project.

The case study farm in the UK is an organic community farm producing both meat and vegetables, that implements biodynamic farming practices.

The other case study farms include 1) Forest mushroom cultivation in Finland, 2) A biodynamic city farm in Germany, 3) A silvopastoral system in Italy, utilising chickens under walnut trees, 3) Grass-fed organic beef in Poland, 4) A Biodynamic mixed farm in Romania, 5) An organic farm providing organic meals to hospitals and a agroforestry healing garden for patients in Belgium.

On average the survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and you can access it via the following link:

Thank you for your time to support us with our research.

The UK FOODLEVERS Project Partners

The Royal Agricultural University, University of Reading and The Organic Research Centre

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