Research projects

Organic Techniques

Contract Period : 01/02/2018 - 31/07/2018

Main Funder : Defra

ORC Staff Contact : Laurence Smith

Project Aims:

The project will see how some of the well-proven farming techniques developed by the organic sector can provide the impetus for mainstream farmers to become more sustainable. Although organic farming accounts for a relatively small proportion of UK food production the sector has emerged as hugely innovative, employing novel solutions to reduce reliance on inputs while maintaining production but with limited resources. As well as considering what can be learnt from organic systems, the project will also assess opportunities, practicalities and barriers for translating best practice management techniques from organic to conventional farms including examining potential impacts on farm incomes, productivity and risks.

The research will review what is already adopted within conventional systems or is actively promoted through bespoke initiatives such as Agricology, Integrated Farm Management and LEAF Marque.

The work involves:

  • Identification of transferable practices
  • Engagement with stakeholders
  • In-depth research of a short list of practices
  • Production of a final report and farmer-facing factsheets on each practice

ORC's Role:

ORC leads the project and is responsible for the assessment of techniques and the publication of factsheets on Agricology.

Project leader and partners:

ORC is the project leader


ORC Team involved with this project

Senior Researcher in Business & Markets