ORC’s Farmer and Business Supporters Group

Event Date : October 1, 2015

The first meeting of the ORC Farmer and Business Supporters’ Group will take place at ORC, Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury RG20 0HR

The meeting will provide a forum to identify and discuss topics of interest to members and to meet and network with other members of the group.


The outline programme for the day is:

10.00 Arrival with coffee
10.30 Introduction and welcome
Followed by short reports on ORC’s work on:

  • Crops
  • Agroforestry
  • Livestock
  • Sustainability and health
  • Business, markets and policy
  • Information services

13:00 Lunch

14:00 A look at the ORC agroforestry project work on the farm
14.30 Where next?

  • A participation session looking at your priority problems, possible solutions and opportunities to make something happen

16.00 Conclusion and refreshments


You need to be a Farmer and Business Supporters’ Group member to attend. Please contact Gillian Woodward by Friday August 26th 2015 to attend.


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