Research projects

The Potential for Extending Economic Farm-Level Benchmarking to Environmental and Other Aspects of Farm Performance

Acronym : EBM

Code : SERP 1011/5

Contract Period : 01/12/2010 - 30/05/2011

Main Funder : DEFRA

ORC Staff Contact : Nic Lampkin

Desk study exploring the potential to extend farm-level financial and technical benchmarking to cover the areas of energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, animal welfare and agri-environment and management practices.

Project Aims:

The project has two main objectives:

  1. To explore the potential to extend farm-level benchmarking to cover the areas of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, animal health and welfare, agri-environment and management practices.
  2. To develop a framework and template for one of these areas, greenhouse gas emissions, to illustrate the approach.

ORC's Role:

  • Project management
  • Assisting in the review of current tools and relevant product certification schemes

Project leader and partners:

Organic Research Centre (ORC)
Rural Business Research (RBR) at Nottingham and Cambridge
Reading University
Cranfield University
Aberystwyth University


Lampkin, N., Bailey, A., Lang, B., Wilson, P., Williams, A., Sanders, D., Fowler, S., Gerrard, C.L., Moakes, S., Mortimer, S., Nicholas, P., Padel S., (2011), The Potential for Extending Economic Farm-level Benchmarking to Environmental and Other Aspects of Farm Performance, Report for DEFRA